As the Crow Flies
As the Crow Flies
By Shane Pack, Jesse Blanchard, Connor Budd, Stella Castell, Alessia Macri, Em…
Shane Pack, Jesse Blanchard, Connor Budd, Stella Castell, Alessia Macri, Emily McBryan, and Zachary Sully
Material: steel and paint | Dimensions: ~ 12’ x 8.5’ x 1.5’ | Year: 2018)
As the Crow Flies ties the way humans move through the city with the way crows fly to their roosting grounds. The Canada Line is a very fast and direct form of transportation that cuts a relatively straight line under any obstacle in its way, mirroring below ground how a bird flies overhead. The wide road of Cambie Street that runs parallel with the Canada Line tunnel is another, much more visible example of urban movement, with cars speeding down it like a flock of birds returning to roost. As the Crow Flies large-scale crow’s wing, frozen while flying through the air just as it starts a mighty down-stroke, loose feathers swirling in the wind behind it, echos this shared velocity. As crows are native to this region and have been culturally significant here long before the invention of cars and trains, the installation ties together not just the ways humans and animals move through the world, but also provokes thought about how these ways change as time passes.