Marine Drive

Welcome to Marine Drive
Located at the foot of Cambie Street at Marine Drive, this Station is the final (or first depending on your direction of travel) station in Vancouver and operates as an important bus loop and terminus for the # 3, 10, 15, 17 and 100 bus lines. The station is also the centre of extensive residential and commercial developments.
Marine Drive Station also provides easy pedestrian and cyclist access to the new Canada Line Bridge across the Fraser River. Continue South out of the station to walk or cycle over the bridge and take in the view of the Fraser River, the docks, sawmills, boats, Canada Line trains and even the occasional plane landing at YVR.
Stroll south and east through industrial South Vancouver, to visit Vancouver’s recycling and transfer station, or pick blackberries mid-August through mid-September. Head north to view this diverse residential neighbourhood of tree lined streets.