
By Alison Boulier
“Invasive (/inˈvāsiv), adjective – (especially of plants or a disease) tending to spread prolifically and undesirably or harmfully” (source: Google’s English dictionary, provided by Oxford Languages)
Himalayan blackberry, white sweet clover, lesser burdock – familiar plants you may find adjacent to a cemented train station, creeping through a sidewalk crack, in a grassy city park, or, in this case, a murky water source. They have few commonalities, except that they find themselves grouped into a single category: invasive species. This digital photo series aims to shine light on subjects that have not become naturalized to the land and continue to unknowingly take space from those who have been here long before them. We – plants, animals, humans – all want to thrive. But the question remains: what does it take to remain, or become native to a place?